
Seeking to inspire executives, board members, investors, and corporate leaders operate the crap out of their business.

Blog Posts

I don’t write a lot. I find it hard. If you find value in it, please leave me a comment.

Definition Of Done Mindset

A fear often associated with self-organizing teams is the potential loss of focus on quality. Indeed, how does an organization ensure it produces a satisfactory level of quality when that responsibility is distributed among teams rather than centralized? Many organizations solve this issue by crafting and abiding by a Definition Of Done, or DoD for…

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What Executive Support of Agile Means

Executive support is often touted as one of the most important, if not the most important pre-condition for a successful organizational transformation, be it Agile or otherwise. I agree. However, the nature of that support is not frequently defined. Worse still, I believe it is for most part misunderstood, especially by the executives themselves. In…

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Visualizing The Goal To Create Alignment

Have you ever worked in an organization where there were so many goals and objectives that it was not clear how they should be traded-off against one another when there was a constraint?  I have.  In fact, most of the organizations I’ve worked in were like that.  However, I don’t think it has to be…

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