
Seeking to inspire executives, board members, investors, and corporate leaders operate the crap out of their business.

Blog Posts

I don’t write a lot. I find it hard. If you find value in it, please leave me a comment.

Confused Managers Need Guidance in Agile Environment

The confusion around the role of the manager in an Agile environment seems to reach its peak just as teams start to exhibit real signs of self-organization. When managers see that they are no longer the driving force behind the work management, some conclude that they are no longer needed at all, and this can…

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Where to Start a Transformation?

So you’ve decided to go ahead with a transformation. How should you go about it? Where should you start? And whom should you start with? Does it matter? I suggest that it does indeed matter, and a lot. For me anyway, one method has worked so much more successfully than the others that in my…

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Maximizing the Contribution of Contractors and Consultants

When an organization lacks a required skill set, contractors or consultants are often hired temporarily. This temporary staff augmentation is generally difficult to pull off successfully due to the imperfect context sharing, potentially divergent incentives, the uneven power distribution of the client-supplier relationship, and cultural impedance mismatch among others factors. Nowhere is the effect of…

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