Seeking to inspire executives, board members, investors, and corporate leaders operate the crap out of their business.
Blog Posts
I don’t write a lot. I find it hard. If you find value in it, please leave me a comment.
Agile Rituals Improved – Preparation
This article is the second of a series of two on boosting the effectiveness of Agile rituals. The first article emphasizes increasing people participation while this article focuses on meeting preparation. Preparation is important because a lack of it can result in long, boring, clumsy, ineffective rituals. Among other things, I think this is partly…
Agile Rituals Improved – Participation
Let’s face it; many Agile teams are disappointed by how much time they spend in rituals. But, it doesn’t have to be that way. In fact, it shouldn’t be that way. A team can take many actions to shrink the amount of time it spends in rituals while simultaneously increasing their effectiveness and fostering better…
Definition Of Done Mindset
A fear often associated with self-organizing teams is the potential loss of focus on quality. Indeed, how does an organization ensure it produces a satisfactory level of quality when that responsibility is distributed among teams rather than centralized? Many organizations solve this issue by crafting and abiding by a Definition Of Done, or DoD for…