Thoughts on

On all for all for nothing
-JP Beaudry

Blog Posts

I don’t write a lot. I find it hard. If you find value in it, don’t hesitate to leave me a comment.

How we got started on generative AI

Per a16z, 2024 is the year when enterprises are getting serious about putting generative AI in production. And as I learned a few months ago via an MIT Sloan publication, it’ll be the majority of enterprises. Indeed, according to their published survey results, only about 5% of companies had any sort of GenAI in production…

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Innovation culture and hackathons

This is squarely a humblebrag, but I feel compelled to give a shout-out to the JustAnswer R&D Innovators. So Proud CTO Alert (📢) out of the way, I want to shine a big spotlight on the JA R&D team for stunningly inventive demos during our 42nd quarterly hackathon. That’s right, 42! It’s a true testament…

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Why Go To Industry Conferences

I like industry conferences.  Recently, I participated in Agile 2016, held this year in Atlanta. As I reflect on this trip, I’m amazed at how much value I got out of it. I count at least five ways this trip was beneficial. This feeling is consistent with other events I’ve participated in, be it Agile…

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