
Seeking to inspire executives, board members, investors, and corporate leaders operate the crap out of their business.

Blog Posts

I don’t write a lot. I find it hard. If you find value in it, please leave me a comment.

Bearing the cross of LLM costs

These days, the only thing worse than failing to leverage generative AI is to succeed at it. Soon after the celebration will come the curse of success: new APIs to maintain and costs to manage. The best protection is hands-down a good set of evaluations. But that could be easier said than done because organization…

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How we got started on generative AI

Per a16z, 2024 is the year when enterprises are getting serious about putting generative AI in production. And as I learned a few months ago via an MIT Sloan publication, it’ll be the majority of enterprises. Indeed, according to their published survey results, only about 5% of companies had any sort of GenAI in production…

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Innovation culture and hackathons

This is squarely a humblebrag, but I feel compelled to give a shout-out to the JustAnswer R&D Innovators. So Proud CTO Alert (📢) out of the way, I want to shine a big spotlight on the JA R&D team for stunningly inventive demos during our 42nd quarterly hackathon. That’s right, 42! It’s a true testament…

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