Seeking to inspire executives, board members, investors, and corporate leaders operate the crap out of their business.
Blog Posts
I don’t write a lot. I find it hard. If you find value in it, please leave me a comment.
Why Go To Industry Conferences
I like industry conferences. Recently, I participated in Agile 2016, held this year in Atlanta. As I reflect on this trip, I’m amazed at how much value I got out of it. I count at least five ways this trip was beneficial. This feeling is consistent with other events I’ve participated in, be it Agile…
Get More From Your Devil’s Advocate
Across all industries, there is a tremendous desire for more innovation. Sadly, companies frequently suffer from a cultural habit that stymies creativity: people play the role of Devil’s advocate in a non-constructive, unidimensional fashion. New ideas face a constant barrage of negativity, and promoting them becomes a Herculean task that discourages but the most intrepid innovator. With…
Beware Of Identity Theft During Agile Coaching
All Agile coaches eventually face the stiff headwinds of resistance to change. Counter-intuitively, coaches themselves can trigger some of that resistance by inadvertently performing wide-scale identity theft. It is something I have done, and you may have too. This article explains what identity theft is, provides some concrete examples, and looks at a few approaches…